Learning for Life Programme
Learning for Life Programme(LLP)
LLP: Community and Student Leadership
The school’s LLP programme on Community and Student Leadership sees an integration of student leadership in the community – beginning with self and family, through our school’s key programmes.
LLP Outcomes:
- Equip students with leadership skills and qualities that are in line with the school’s values through explicit teaching or teachable moments during curriculum
- Provide students with the opportunities to apply these skills and qualities in the different levels of their community (self-family-school-outside community)
- Instill in students a heart to serve the community

It provides the opportunity for different groups of students to reach out to the external community through our outreach programmes.
Primary 1 and 2 - Self and Family
Students learn to take self-responsibility and to serve others – especially their elders, at home.
Primary 3 and 4 - School
Students learn to look out for opportunities to serve the school community by providing suggestions or helping out in the school improvement projects.
Students’ Suggestions
Primary 5 and 6 - External Community
Students serve the external community by being a part of our school’s outreach efforts like the kindergarten outreach programme where they teach or impart basic skills sets to kindergarteners.