Our Rules and Attire
Our Rules and Attire
- Pupils who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Pupils will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Pupils are to wear the school uniform (PE attire inclusive) and modification to the uniform or PE attire is not allowed.
- Male pupils must be neat in appearance, clean shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
- Pupils are to be punctual for all school activities.
- Pupils must be mindful in keeping the classroom and school premises clean.
- Pupils must not leave the school premises without permission during curriculum time.
- Pupils must be courteous to school staff, visitors and schoolmates.
- Pupils must be safety-conscious and avoid dangerous activities.
- Every pupil has the right to learn in a healthy social environment. The school adopts a zero tolerance policy towards bullying. Bullying will not be condoned and any such misbehaviour will be dealt with.
- Pupils are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Mobile Device Policy
- Pupils are not encouraged to bring mobile devices to school, but should they choose to bring one, we want to nurture them to be responsible and discerning users of technology.
- The mobile device must be switched off and kept securely by the pupil. It is not to be used during curriculum time, unless instructed by the teacher or for the purpose of communicating with their caregivers when the need arises.
*School rules extracted from Student Handbook. Further details to some of the rules can be found in the student handbook.
School Uniform
Name tag to be sewn/iron-on 2cm above the school logo. Black shoes with white socks (No track shoes allowed)
Approved Hairstyles
Pupils must keep their hair neat and the fringe must be above the eyebrows. Pupils are not allowed to highlight or colour their hair.
Boys must keep their hair short, neat and clean. Hair must be evenly cropped all around, not touching the ears, eyebrows or their collar. Sideburns must be trimmed and should not extend beyond the middle level of the ear.
Girls with hair length beyond the collar must tie their hair up neatly. Hair fringe touching the eyebrow should be held back with hair band or pinned up. Only black or dark brown hair bands and hair clips are allowed.
Other Guidelines on Attire and Personal Grooming
Jewellery, ornaments and accessories are not allowed to be worn. Tinted contact lenses are not allowed. Only one pair of small and simple ear-studs (gold, silver or black colour) may be worn for girls. Fingernails should be kept short, clean and unpainted.