Our Unique Programmes
Our Unique Programmes
To achieve our vision and mission, we have developed some unique ICT programmes that are inclusive, that ensure our students’ well-being in the event of a school closure and that develop lifelong technology-empowered learners.
Lifelong Learner
New Media Literacies
To achieve our ICT vision, our school has rolled out New Media Literacies during ICT lessons. Our ICT Modules for this year will cover three main domains of ICT skills - Curate, Create and Connect. Through these domains, students are able to acquire the skills they need to prepare them for the future. Students are also able to develop an understanding of the social practices that is widespread in the digital networked environment.
Student Learning Space
The Student Learning Space or SLS is a MOE learning portal that has curriculum-aligned learning resources, catering to all learners and their learning needs. Our teachers have made good use of the affordances of this learning portal and integrated the use of this portal into the curriculum of the different subjects and mostly, Home-based Learnings. The use of this portal promotes 21st Century Competencies such as critical and inventive thinking and the ability to curate, create and connect and thus, our students are equipped with the necessary skills and attitudes to learn for life.
SLS Login Page: https://vle.learning.moe.edu.sg/login
Code For Fun Programme
The 10-hour Code for Fun (CFF) Programme focuses on developing academic learning of related concepts using visual-based programming language for Computational Thinking, combining it with robotic kits, to create a coding experience for our students. through this programme, students will learn to develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills by breaking down problems into bite-sizes. They will also have a chance to program a dance using their Sphero robotic kits.
Enhanced Student Well-being
Cyberwellness Programme
Students learn to be responsible digital citizens through explicit teaching during Form Teacher Guidance Periods (FTGP), Cyberwellness STAR Booklets and Civic and Moral Education (CME) lessons as well as short bite-sized presentations during fortnightly morning assembly.
Our student Cyberwellness Ambassadors design and conduct activities for all students during Cyberwellness Week. Through these activities, students learn Cyberwellness tips and awareness of issues such as cyberbullying, excessive screen time and navigating the internet safely and responsibly.
Home-based Learning (HBL)
Home-based learning (HBL) is conducted in Si Ling Primary School twice a year during the PSLE Oral Examinations and the PSLE Marking Days. On HBL days, Primary 1 to Primary 5 students are not required to attend school and will be assigned HBL lessons and assignments, primarily on the SLS Learning Portal .
The aim of HBL is to develop independent learning skills that will enable students to learn on their own outside school. These self-directed learning skills position our students well in the event that they are required to learn from home due to possible school closure.
Our teachers design lessons and subsequent assignments that are student-centred for the HBL days. These lessons follow closely to the SLS Pedagogical Scaffold as shown below.
By designing the online lessons based on this pedagogical scaffold, students are able to spend more time developing their understanding and skills, applying and displaying what they have learnt, and through the feedback given by their teachers and peers, they are able to refine this understanding.